Gyrex Film Coated Tablet 200 Mg

In the realm of pharmaceutical solutions, Gyrex Film Coated Tablet 200 Mg emerges as a vital player, offering a glimpse into its multifaceted potential. This comprehensive overview provides valuable insights into Gyrex, a film-coated tablet that holds a special place in the healthcare landscape, particularly in Turkey. Produced by Berksam, Gyrex holds promise as a therapeutic option.

Dosage form

Pack size


200 Mg



Generic Name (Ingredient)

Each Film Tablet Contains 200 Mg Of Quetiapine Base (230.26 Mg As Quetiapine Fumarate).

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Active Ingredient

At the core of Gyrex lies Quetiapina, the active ingredient that imparts its distinctive qualities. Quetiapina is categorized as an atypical antipsychotic, and its mechanism of action extends to a wide spectrum of neurotransmitters. To appreciate the full scope of Gyrex’s capabilities, it’s essential to delve into the intricate web of interactions orchestrated by Quetiapina.

Mechanism of Action

Quetiapina, the linchpin of Gyrex’s effectiveness, exerts its influence through a multifaceted mechanism of action. Its affinities extend to various receptors, encompassing cerebral serotonin (5-HT 2), D1/D2 dopamine receptors, alpha 1 adrenergic and histaminergic receptors, and alpha 2 adrenergic and 5HT 1A serotonin receptors. This broad-reaching interaction underscores the medication’s versatility in addressing an array of medical conditions.


Gyrex Film Coated Tablet 200 Mg offers options in its administration that cater to patient preferences and medical requirements. The immediate-release tablets can be ingested with or without food, providing flexibility in their use. In contrast, the extended-release tablets demand a specific approach.

They should be taken without food and must be swallowed whole, without being split, chewed, or crushed. This distinction is vital in ensuring the medication’s efficacy and patient well-being.


While Gyrex presents a promising avenue for many, it’s important to acknowledge its limitations. The medication is contraindicated in individuals who exhibit hypersensitivity to quetiapine.

Furthermore, caution should be exercised in cases involving the concomitant use of cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitors, including but not limited to HIV protease inhibitors, azole antifungals, erythromycin, clarithromycin, and nefazodone. These contraindications emphasize the significance of a comprehensive medical assessment and consultation with a healthcare provider before embarking on Gyrex therapy.

Warnings and Precautions

In the realm of healthcare, an emphasis on precautionary measures is paramount. When considering the use of Gyrex Film Coated Tablet 200 Mg, several factors necessitate careful consideration:

Medical History

Prior to initiating treatment with Gyrex, it is imperative to furnish your healthcare provider with a comprehensive account of your medical history. Particular attention should be given to conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, liver impairment, diabetes, or risk factors for diabetes, known cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, or other conditions predisposing to hypotension. This detailed history ensures that the course of treatment is tailored to individual needs and medical requirements.


Hypersensitivity reactions to quetiapine or any other components of the tablet are a clear contraindication for Gyrex use. It’s essential for healthcare providers to exercise vigilance in assessing and recognizing potential allergies in patients.

Drug Interactions

The intricacies of drug interactions are well-documented in the context of Gyrex. The medication should not be taken concomitantly with cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitors. The list of such inhibitors includes HIV protease inhibitors, azole antifungals, erythromycin, clarithromycin, and nefazodone. A detailed review of a patient’s medication regimen is essential to ensure the safety and efficacy of Gyrex therapy.

Mental Health

A patient’s mental health is a pivotal consideration during Gyrex therapy. Those with a history of seizures or risk factors for stroke must exercise caution while using this medication. Furthermore, vigilant monitoring for signs of suicidal thoughts, self-harm, and suicide is of utmost importance. This emphasis on mental well-being underscores the holistic approach to patient care.

Heart Health

Patients suspected of having heart disease or myocarditis must have their treatment with Gyrex reassessed. This prudent step ensures that the medication is administered with due consideration for cardiac health.

Other Precautions

The meticulous care of patients with intestinal obstruction/ileus is another dimension of Gyrex therapy. Close monitoring and prompt intervention are crucial in these cases to safeguard patient well-being.

It’s essential to recognize that this information, while comprehensive, may not cover all conceivable scenarios. The cornerstone of safe and effective Gyrex therapy remains open communication and consultation with a healthcare provider. Their expertise guides patients toward the most informed and individualized care.

Gyrex Tablet Side Effects

The journey of Gyrex is accompanied by a series of potential side effects, reflecting the intricate interplay between the medication and the human body. Gyrex, which houses Quetiapina as its active ingredient, can introduce individuals to a range of responses, including:

  • Venous Thromboembolism: This condition entails the formation of blood clots within veins, a potentially hazardous situation that warrants careful consideration.
  • Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas, characterized by severe abdominal pain, can emerge as a consequence of Gyrex use.
  • Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Harm, and Suicide: Mental health takes center stage in this category, with the emergence of serious issues that necessitate immediate medical attention.
  • Cardiomyopathy and Myocarditis: Conditions affecting the heart muscle come into focus, signifying the importance of cardiac monitoring during Gyrex therapy.

It is crucial to understand that this listing is not exhaustive, as side effects can exhibit variations among individuals. The paramount message is that vigilance is key. Any unusual symptoms encountered while taking Gyrex warrant immediate medical attention. The guidance of a healthcare provider ensures that patients navigate potential side effects safely and effectively.

Pregnancy or Breastfeeding

The juncture of pregnancy and medication presents a complex terrain. Gyrex, like many medications, falls under scrutiny in this context. Its safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding underscores the need for individualized assessment.

During Pregnancy

The usage of any medication during pregnancy is a topic of critical importance, particularly during the first trimester, a phase marked by the delicate development of the embryo and fetus. The decision to introduce Gyrex or any other medication during pregnancy demands meticulous consideration, guided by the expertise of healthcare providers.

During Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding introduces a unique dimension to medication considerations. While most medicines can safely traverse into breast milk in minimal quantities, a subset necessitates avoidance. The intricate balance of the benefits and potential risks guides the safe use of medications during breastfeeding.

The complexity of this issue is underscored by the FDA Pregnancy categories, which assign medications to one of five categories based on potential risks. The use of Gyrex, or any medication, during pregnancy or breastfeeding is a matter that demands precise evaluation and expert guidance. The expertise of a healthcare provider serves as the compass for making informed decisions regarding medication use in these critical periods.

It’s incumbent upon individuals to meticulously review every medication, including over-the-counter drugs and natural supplements, to ascertain their safety during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The vigilant approach to medication management ultimately ensures the well-being of both the mother and child.


Gyrex Film Coated Tablet 200 Mg, anchored by the active ingredient Quetiapina, unveils an array of potential benefits that enrich its therapeutic profile. These benefits encompass:

Mental Health Improvement

Quetiapina plays a pivotal role in managing symptoms associated with specific mental and mood conditions. By enhancing concentration and mitigating hallucinations, it contributes to an overall improvement in mental health.

Mood Stabilization

The versatility of Quetiapina extends to the treatment of mood disorders, where it serves as a stabilizing force. It curtails severe mood swings and reduces their frequency, promoting emotional equilibrium.

Improved Sleep, Appetite, and Energy Level

The positive impact of Quetiapina ripples through sleep patterns, appetite regulation, and energy levels. It can rekindle interest in daily living, aligning with a holistic approach to well-being.

It is imperative to acknowledge that the benefits of Gyrex may exhibit variability among individuals. The individualized guidance of healthcare providers, grounded in an understanding of health status and specific medication regimens, is the ultimate source of accurate information. The pursuit of reliable information is a key aspect of responsible medication management.


In the labyrinth of pharmaceutical options, Gyrex Film Coated Tablet 200 Mg emerges as a multifaceted contender. Rooted in the potency of Quetiapina, this medication offers a diverse spectrum of benefits, from mental health enhancement to mood stabilization and improved daily living.

However, Gyrex is not without its contraindications, warnings, and potential side effects. It is in the judicious assessment of these factors, guided by the expertise of healthcare providers, that the true potential of Gyrex is realized. Individualized care and well-informed decisions stand as pillars of safe and effective medication management.

Key Information

Aspect Details
Active Ingredient Quetiapina
Mechanism of Action Interaction with neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine receptors
Administration Immediate-release tablets can be taken with or without food. Extended-release tablets should be taken without food and swallowed whole.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to quetiapine, concurrent use of cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitors
Warnings and Precautions Medical history, allergies, drug interactions, mental health, heart health, intestinal obstruction/ileus
Side Effects Venous thromboembolism, pancreatitis, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Consideration of individual circumstances and healthcare provider guidance
Benefits Mental health improvement, mood stabilization, enhanced sleep, appetite, and energy levels



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The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. always seek the advice for your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Always remember to

  1. Ask your own doctor for medical advice.
  2. Names, brands, and dosage may differ between countries.
  3. When not feeling well, or experiencing side effects always contact your own doctor.


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